Tony Trischka presents his groundbreaking guide to the melodic (chromatic) banjo style, made famous by the great Bill Keith. The technique allows the banjo player to create complex note-for-note renditions of bluegrass fiddle tunes, as well as ornamenting solos with melodic fragments and motives. Along with a full step-by-step guide to developing the skills of the melodic style, this book also features Bill Keith’s personal explanation of how he developed his formidable technique, in his own words and music. It also includes 37 tunes in tablature, with a section of fiddle tunes. Interviews with the stars of the melodic style including Bobby Thompson, Eric Weissberg, Ben Eldridge and Alan Munde are also presented. The accompanying audio is accessed through Hal Leonard’s popular MyLibrary system using the provided code. The audio can be streamed or downloaded and includes PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.